Eye Exams

Eye Exams services offered in Henderson, NV

It’s important to schedule regular eye exams and stay up to date on your vision health. Optic Gallery Seven Hills in Henderson, Nevada, offers comprehensive eye exams to diagnose and treat any developing ailments. Call our expert team to schedule an appointment today or book through the online portal system.

What are eye exams?

Eye exams screen and check your eyes for symptoms that may indicate illness. Eye exams often involve specialized tools and instruments to test your vision. For example, your optometry specialist may have you read from an eye chart or check the response time of your pupils with a light.

When should I seek out eye exams?

Children and adults benefit from regular visits to Optic Gallery Seven Hills. The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) and the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology recommend screening adolescents right from birth. It’s also suggested to schedule additional appointments every one to two years to ensure healthy eye development.

Base guidelines for adults recommend receiving a comprehensive eye exam once within your 20s and twice within your 30s at a minimum. For people 40 and older, the AAO suggests a full vision examination once every two years. This may vary depending on your overall health and your specific needs.

For example, patients with diabetes or a family history of eye disease have a greater risk of developing a condition. Your ophthalmologist will provide personalized guidelines dependent on these factors.

How do doctors perform eye exams?

An eye exam is a simple procedure that often lasts around an hour. The team at Optic Gallery Seven Hills starts by checking your family history, medications, and if you wear contact lenses.

From there, they’ll check the strength of your vision through several examination techniques. Eye charts help screen your visual acuity by having you read increasingly smaller letters from a distance. Additionally, your ophthalmologist monitors the movement of your pupil and whole eye to rule out an underlying problem.

Other common tests include checking your eye pressure and peripheral vision. The doctor may suggest specialized imaging techniques to further examine the eyes depending on your specific circumstances.

How do I protect my vision following eye exams?

After an eye exam, the expert team will discuss your health and offer solutions to any present problem. They’ll also offer preventive measures that aid in protecting your vision daily. This may include wearing prescription eyewear or specialty contact lenses to reduce strain on the eyes and increase visual acuity.

Call the Henderson, Nevada, office today to schedule your comprehensive eye exam or book through the online reservation system.

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